As guiding posts in our academic program, our core principles place an emphasis on faith, leadership, experience, and excellence.
Our Four Pillars
- Leaders and teachers who model active faith in Jesus Christ
- Daily mentoring and counseling program
- Deliberate pathways for confirmation of faith and sacrament participation
- Four year Bible study cohorts to investigate personal faith in Christ
- Pastor and student-led chapels that unite hearts in worship
- Genuine student leadership and voice
- Mentoring match for high school and elementary students
- Mentoring match for high school students and successful adults
- Kingdom Entrepreneurship: Project-based collaboration and implementation
- Assigned hours of service to school-related functions
- Grade-level outdoor expeditions
- Multiple pathways for social, emotional, and character development
- Service learning projects
Part-time job programs and paid internships - Financial fitness component built into work experience
- Personalized post secondary achievement goals: career, college, entrepreneurship, military, etc.
- Rigorous academics and extended after-school learning hours
- Extended school year for a larger window of learning
- Instructor driven use of blended learning venues to achieve ACT goals
The Kingdom Prep learning model prepares our brothers for lives of purpose.

The Kingdom Prep Model
We believe that God has created each of us for a unique purpose.
Our academic program emphasizes authentic learning experiences, hands-on skill development, and project-based collaboration as we prepare our Christian brotherhood for 21st century leadership.
Our 80-minute block schedule is designed for natural compatibility with cross-curricular collaboration.
Every student has a built-in guided study table to receive additional academic and homework support.
Students are able to fulfill their physical education requirements by participating in one of our athletic programs.
Data-driven instruction is directed by thematic guiding questions, culminating with authentic presentations of learning.
A student resource center also exists to provide additional support.
Students experience a wide range of activities via experiential learning and a variety of clubs.
It is our desire to establish a culture of brotherhood in seeking to follow Christ’s direction and footsteps to:
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33